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6 months ago
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17 minutes . Laken never stood a chance
Laken Riley never stood a chance. When an S-Hole person like Jose Ibarra comes from an S-Hole country like Danny did, this is what you get.
danny u are not the smartest man on the planet dude
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
Might want to start looking for a job dude 😂
Masochistic headlines don't happen on accident.
America, its citizens, our law enforcement and legislatures are more united than 1774. An obscene display of content for the constitutional proceedings in an American court of law for the violent rape and murder of a young American woman by a man who snuck into America then became a criminal and then a fugitive by not attending his court dates should not be published by an American news media source. You have free speech sir. Your speech needs not be published by MSNBC. It is obscene to say the very least.
I just came in to say you're a horrible person Danny. Now I'll unfollow
There are scuzzy lawyers, but they do their job IN COURT and its halfway honorable. You, are just immoral and very scary all around. Shame on you and only an admittance of maliciously breaking journalistic ethics and the obscenity of your mootless, and pointless article.
Wtf is wrong with you?
Pat yourselves on the back America for standing up to this freaky nonsense! Yall better quit trying to pick a fight, Im telling you. Brown, yellow, red, black men and women of America still hold common sense and we can see straight through whatever this BS is. Major backlash is what you are seeing
You are a real winner aren't you. I hope you don't ever have to feel the pain of that her family has has had to feel. You should really be ashamed of yourself.
Seriously… Laken is the one who never had a chance! He had his chance and took the wrong path! I believe "an eye for an eye” as the Bible says. We cannot continue to imprison wrongdoers. Once again, shame on you MSNBC & NBC. Let karma prevail.
Doing the devil’s work! You are a despicable human being 👿
You said Laken Riley’s killer never had a chance!!!!!???????? She was the one who didn’t have a chance. She lost her life!!!!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
To be this POORLY SPOKEN as a "Legal Analyst" is either done on purpose or just being a lousy TV Lawyer.
I have to wonder why you appeared to be defending this illegal immigrant with connections to a notorious gang from Venezuelan. He should immediately be deported for this horrendous crime. Enter our Nation legally or not at all. What is this was your very own daughter or other member of your family would you then appear to be so soft with your liberal words?
Hopefully you will be fired soon.
She updated the headline this morning
Pathetic journalist!!!!!!! BTW, Trump charges have been dropped today because we all know the left will deny it!!!!!
You are completely clueless and have no common sense. MSNBC has been lying to the American people for years. It's disgusting.
Hell yes! That killer getting what he Deserved.just not soon enough!
With idealogues like this, no wonder MSNBC is tanking....... ... See MoreSee Less

Opinion | A mysterious woman. A bag filled with $120,00. And one incredible bribery attempt.
There are several reasons why this might be one of the dumber attempts at bribery and jury tampering in recent federal criminal history.8 months ago
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
Fuck you! I hope they have a chance one day to live and not be brutally murdered by an illegal alien.
Your a moron taking up for that rapist that killed Lincoln Riley you need to lose your Job
Trump is guilty...and it might not matter much... ... See MoreSee Less

The Danny Cevallos Show: Donald Trump is guilty and it might not matter much on Apple Podcasts
Show The Danny Cevallos Show, Ep Donald Trump is guilty and it might not matter much - Jun 3, 20249 months ago
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
Why do you support the Murderer of Laken Riley, because you are weak.
And you should loose your job.
All charges dropped today for Trump!!!! Get on board. And Laken Riley’s killer has life in jail without parole!!!!
Fuck you! I hope they have a chance one day to live and not be brutally murdered by an illegal alien.
You’re a sick fuck!
You should be ashamed of your self. Writing a headline like that. And your editor should also be ashamed for letting it go to print.
You must stop saying “it may not matter much”. Are you hoping? Are you a MAGA? Are you a Republican?
You’re a fucking dumbass joke. Go to hell Laken Reilly murder did not have a chance you say??? Go to hell. Asshole!!
Laken Riley. And you fucking have a law degree?
You're a sick pathetic POS!
You piece of dirt!!! You should be fired at the least you sick defender of murderers!!
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
Guilty of what a$$hole? U will be held accountable for your lies ... See MoreSee Less
9 months ago
The “loss” was the integrity of the presidency.
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
I see you have sampled the orange kool-aid…
The Danny Cevallos Show: Did the defense have a big moment this week in the Trump trial? on Apple Podcasts ... See MoreSee Less
Show The Danny Cevallos Show, Ep Did the defense have a big moment this week in the Trump trial? - May 18, 20249 months ago
Danny we need more of your podcast!
45 will be 47 in 25!
I see you have sampled the orange kool-aid…
You really skew Defense/Republican. Sounds like you’re In trump cult
GFY Danny.....
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
You call yourself a lawyer???? Wow. By what standard? The Democrats standard? YOU, if you are any kind of a legal person, should know and see just how much of a scam and sham this case against Trump has been. Ill tell you one thing, you as well as the evil Democrats and the Democrat controlled media are in for a rude awakening because Trump is and has been annointed of God and YOU and all the others will pay a price eventually. GOD will not be mocked! Just remember one thing . . THE EVIL CORRUPT PEOPLE OF JESUS'S TIME ALSO CONVICTED HIM AND HE DID NO WRONG EITHER and we all know how that ended! GOD is in control and if you are not on GODs side I do feel very sorry for you and all the other Democrat controlled media because YOU and THEM are deceiving the people!!!
Is the prosecution nervous about Stormy Daniel's testimony?: ... See MoreSee Less
Show The Danny Cevallos Show, Ep Is the prosecution nervous about Stormy Daniel's testimony? - May 5, 20249 months ago
As a federal Qui Tam whistleblower I can point out that a person who pleaded guilty because he “did it” can still have “significant doubt” that his actions were a crime - but it can also be a strongly held belief although one which is not quite a “reasonable doubt“ that the law has determined it to be a crime and a judge or jury would likely find him guilty.
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
The defense brought in the sex. And through their interrogation opened all doors by their own questions.
You mean the porn actress? 😂😂😂
Regarding Trump gag order with Judge Merchan, you believe Trump will get "at least a couple more chances" but I hope you're aware that he has already used up those chances. Are you trying to help Trump stay out of jail? I can't believe that you are gaslighting Americans with this nonsense that puts Trump above the law, as if it is just normal to give the guy a couple more chances!
Fuck you! I hope they have a chance one day to live and not be brutally murdered by an illegal alien.
You have the best perspective
You should be exiled.
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
You're a total idiot and incompetent and a waste of life you moron if you think you're making points on MSNBC think again
This will be fun! ... See MoreSee Less
10 months ago
You're a loser. You must be a trump supporter you scumbag ... See MoreSee Less
10 months ago
You are like the Alex Jones of Law.....pathetic
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
DANNY PECKER ... See MoreSee Less
10 months ago
Danny Cevallos is such a pansy. Laken Riley killer never stood a chance! What you’re such a goober,
I like Danny Cevallos but I can't get past the "greasy money" comment he made about Fani Willis situation.
Fuck you! I hope they have a chance one day to live and not be brutally murdered by an illegal alien.
Git it Danny C. Danny Cevallos
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸 ... See MoreSee Less

The Danny Cevallos Show: A new star witness is born. on Apple Podcasts
Show The Danny Cevallos Show, Ep A new star witness is born. - Apr 24, 202410 months ago
Congrats so awesome! 👏🏻
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
DANNY JURORS ... See MoreSee Less
10 months ago
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
We have a jury in the Trump hush money election interference case… but could we lose it too? ... See MoreSee Less

The Danny Cevallos Show: We have a jury. But we just might lose it. on Apple Podcasts
Show The Danny Cevallos Show, Ep We have a jury. But we just might lose it. - Apr 20, 202410 months ago
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
Love me some Danny C commentary
Danny Cevallos = EVIL DemoRAT Vermin Commie Scum who loves EVIL Illegal Invader Murdering Rapist MONSTERS !! What would this pathetic worthless talentless Leftist Fake News Hack say if it were his own daughter ?? 🤔 Rot in the fiery depths of Hell alongside this Invader Monster, Danny !! MAAAGGGGAAAA 🇺🇸
On 11th hour with a great team on Friday. ... See MoreSee Less
12 months ago
Mr. Cevallos, I see you frequently on MSNBC and enjoy your commentary. One thing I noticed which bothers me is that you consistently mispronounce Fani Willis' name. Her name is pronounced 'Fawn-ee'. This may seem kind of picayune on my part, but as I listen to journalists, I expect them to state things accurately. And if they consistently mispronounce a word, what else are they getting wrong? Andrea Michell had a big problem pronouncing Mifepristone, the abortion drug, She gave up on air trying to pronounce it and referred to it only as the 'abortion drug'. That was really disappointing to me.
Danny cevallos is the guy who said the hush money trial is a joke. Fing idiot it's the only trial going before the election. Lawyers don't no crap
Get rid of Danny Cevallos. He constantly makes excuses for Trump!
Thanks to @jlemire33 and the Way Too Early @msnbc team for letting me represent @umich @umichfootball this morning of the national championship. ... See MoreSee Less
1 years ago
@jlemire33 if I were you I would never have Danny Cevallos on again. He has proven himself to be biased and not credible. If you have him again I will not watch.
Such an honor to join my good pal @yasminvossoughian on @yasminmsnbc’s final show!
(Thanks @padraic_judge for the pictures) ... See MoreSee Less
1 years ago
“Laken Riley's killer never stood a chance” per MSNBC today. WRITTEN BY YOU Danny Cevallos YOU EVIL MAN😡 Didn’t think there could be anything more disgusting than when the Democratic leadership opened up the border 4 years ago, causing millions of women and children’s lives to be destroyed by the cartel using the drug and sex trade. Not to mention all that tons of fentanyl that came into this country and how it is poisoning and killing our children. Look around any downtown you’ll see lots of zombies walking around. People that at one time actually had a life and a chance. So yes there’s been over 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants released into this country. And the argument that illegal immigrants commit crime less than US citizens is such bullshit. Of course it is and how could it not be!! There’s the huge extra deterrent of deportation Einstein! They know if they get arrested they’ll likely be deported, US citizens don’t have that worry! Anybody that doesn’t realize that or think about that is delusional. But what does it matter! So instead of the 3% of the US citizen population that commits felonies it’s somewhere between 37% and 60% less for illegal immigrants. That still means 1.89% to 1.2% of illegal immigrants are committing felonies. Well 1.5% of the 10 million illegal immigrants that came here in the last four years under the Biden administration that’s at least 150,000 felony criminals that shouldn’t be here. And crimes that NEVER would’ve happened! And of those 150,000 there’s at least more than 13,000 immigrants convicted of HOMICIDE are living outside immigration detention in the U.S., ICE says. Laken Riley’s murder is just one of many. And ask yourself if it happened to someone in your family or someone you knew, would you feel differently about letting all these unvetted people in? And how about the Democrats leadership instantly opening up the border just to do some macho and emo move showing they’re going to undo what Trump did. Oh yeah, and now the Democrat leadership is FOR having a wall again! Guess they were wrong.. “Sorry to all the millions of victims whose lives were destroyed from that” So yeah, liberal MSNBC go ahead and you put the victim as the HORRIFIC murderer. That’s really helping to unite the country.
Final show?! 😕
Always look forward to your commentary. No hype or bias, just hardboiled legal facts.
Always enjoy listening to your factual POV when you’re an MSNBC guest!
Wow I didn't know she was leaving. A lot of changes...Alicia moving to Saturday...